Barbie Blouse with Collar

Barbie can wear this fashionable blouse with collar with a gathered skirt as shown, or with the A-Line Skirt, or . . .

barbie blouse with collar

There are two graphics for pattern pieces below:

blouse left pattern

blouse right and collar

Instructions for saving and printing jpg or pdf files are here.

Download pdf file of Barbie Blouse with Collar

Sewing Instructions for Barbie’s Blouse with Collar

1. Mark your center front lines on the blouse fronts. I always do this with thread markings before taking the pins out after cutting out a pattern piece:

figure 1

2. Sew the BLOUSE back seam:

figure 2

3. For COLLAR fold the collar on fold line and sew the ends in 1/4″ seams:

figure 3

4. Clip the collar at the sharp end to eliminate bulk and turn the collar right side out. Press. Pin the collar to the neck edge matching the notches. Baste in place. The collar edges must come to your center front markings:

figure 4

5. For facings sew the center back seam of the facings with right sides together. Press seam open:

figure 5

6. Pin the facings to the neck edge over the collar and sew in 1/4″ seam:

figure 6

7. Clip the neck edge and turn the facing to the right side. Hand sew the facing to hold it down. Stitch the side seams:

figure 7

8. Turn under the armhole edges and stitch in a slip stitch. Hem the bottom of the blouse:

figure 8

9. Sew snaps to the front edge so that center front markings overlap. Sew tiny buttons to the front edge of the blouse at markings:

figure 9