Barbie Fishtail Evening Dress

Create a fine fur stole for this fabulous fishtail evening dress by cutting a 2″ strip (or so) of fake fur. Make it 10-12″ long. Extra glamor!

fishtail evening dress

The pattern will print on one page:

fishtail evening dress pattern

Instructions for saving and printing jpg or pdf files are here.

Download pdf file of Barbie Fishtail Evening Dress

Instructions for Sewing Barbie’s Fishtail Evening Dress

1. BODICE make tucks. Trim tucks as shown, press toward center front.
Press upper edge to INSIDE along fold line: stitch:

figure 1

2. SKIRT FRONT AND BACK join side seams:

figure 2

3. SOFT PLEATS on skirt: on OUTSIDE, fold pleats along solid lines. Bring folds to broken lines; baste to upper edge:

figure 3

4. FLOUNCE: Stitch under 1/4″on lower edge. Gather upper edge between medium dots:

figure 4

5. With RIGHT sides together, pin flounce to skirt, matching centers and placing small dots at side seams of skirt, as shown.
Adjust gathers to fit; baste. Stitch seam and press up. Clip curves:

figure 5

6. Join bodice to skirt at waist seam right sides together and matching side seams.

7. CENTER BACK SEAM Join center back seam in 3/8″seam as far as small dot in skirt as shown.
Press seam toward right skirt back, pressing under RIGHT skirt and bodice back opening edge along solid line. Stitch close to RIGHT back edge:

figure 6

8. FINISHING Press dress. Lap RIGHT back over LEFT, matching centers. Fasten with three snaps, as shown:

figure 7